How You Can Keep Your AC in Top Shape This Year

As many as 40% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions, and home improvements are sometimes part of those changes. Changes to your HVAC system can extend its life and make a healthier home.

Get to Know Your AC System

Understanding your AC system’s operation makes it easier to tell when a problem requires care. Many homeowners feel put off from discovering more about HVAC systems because professionals provide care. However, when you know enough to guess what’s wrong, you can work more effectively with a contractor to fix the issue.

Adjust the Thermostat

Keeping your temperature at a comfortable level is a priority. However, setting your thermostat a few degrees higher reduces costs and saves energy. You can keep your system working longer because it does not have to work as hard.

Do an Upgrade

Most AC systems have a typical life of about 10 – 15 years. The time between the start of the year and the arrival of summer is one of the best times to schedule an upgrade. There is a high cost with upgrading, but you can save money because of better energy efficiency.

Have Your Ducts Cleaned

Despite the vital role of ducts in air delivery, many homeowners overlook their importance. Your AC works better with cleaner ducts, and the air is also much healthier. If it’s been more than three years since your last duct cleaning or you can’t remember when this occurred, scheduling a cleaning this year is a good idea.

Put in a Zoned System

A zoned system can make it easier to keep areas of your home at different temperatures without closing off rooms. A combination of ductwork dampers and electronic sensors provides this temperature control. A smart thermostat is essential to make one of these systems work.

Install a Smart Thermostat

Smart thermostats create greater energy efficiency, and they’re also essential for zoned systems. You can program the thermostat so your home is warmer or cooler at different times of the day. You could save hundreds in energy costs by using your HVAC system only when you’re at home.

Change Your Air Filters Regularly

If you’re not already doing so, changing your air filters regularly is an excellent practice to get into this coming year. These filters trap contaminants that impact overall air quality. Changing your filters once a month during the heaviest usage is the best option to keep your air clean.

Reach out to us at Big Sky in Helena, MT for all your AC system needs.